In order to survive the apocalypse, you will need to be able to defend yourself. Once the dust settles, you will need to mount an offensive on the Zombies to take them out as well. Both of these are going to take an assortment of weapons and knowledge of how to use them.
If you are looking to start killing Zombies, you will need to keep in mind that they are much slower than you are. This will give you the advantage if you use the right weapons to take advantage of that. Weapons that allow you to strike quickly and then get out of the way will be best for quick attacks.
If it also important to note that Zombies typically are going to be found in groups. You will need to have weapons that can be used for killing Zombies from a distance so that you don’t have to fight the whole group up close. Take as many down as you can before they get close if you want to have a fighting change.
#8. Baseball Bat
The old fashion baseball bat is a great weapon for killing zombies if you don’t have anything sharp. It will cause blunt damage to the Zombie and will take a few swings to do the trick, but it will work if you need it. This is great for large groups of Zombies because it will stun them and allow you to move on to the next target.
If you don’t have a baseball bat with you, a thick branch will work as the same. Add some barbed wire or nails and you will be killing Zombies in no time!
#7. Mace
Whether it be a regular mace or a mace with a chain, they can be effective at killing Zombies in a pinch. They are not as effective as a hatchet or knife because they rely on brute force to cause any damage. They will be a little slower than other weapons but each blow will do more damage to make up for it.
If you are in need of a weapon and cannot find any, You can build a mace with just about anything. Even if you just take a thick log and wrap some rusty metal or hammer some sharp objects in, it will do the trick. This can be a great tool for you if you have no other options and need to be out killing Zombies.
#6. Sword
These can be great weapons for killing Zombies if you know how to use them. They can do tons of damage and quickly incapacitate a Zombie with well placed strikes. The right sword in the right hands could be the best weapon available for close hand combat during an apocalypse.
That being said, it’s not as easy as it looks to used a sword in a Zombie fight. If you don’t know what you are doing, the sword could get lodged in the Zombie and leave you disarmed and in a world of hurt. Don’t chose a sword for your main weapon if you don’t know how to use it properly.
#5. Hatchet
A hatchet is another great weapon for killing Zombies like the knife mentioned above. They can deliver deadly strokes from a close distance fast enough that the Zombie does not have a chance to land a strike. This is going to be the key to getting in and out of a battle alive.
Just like knives, most people who fight with a hatchet will fight with one in each hand. Two hatchets will be devastating to a Zombie and can also be thrown from a decent range to take out a Zombie before they get close. A single well-placed hatchet throw will kill a Zombie every time.
Hatchets can also be used for cutting wood for firewood and shelter when you are not killing Zombies. This makes it another great weapon that can also be used to keep you alive.
#4. Knives
Knives are great weapons to start out with because they are light, don’t take up much space, and can do plenty of damage. If you are killing Zombies with a knife, you will need to aim for the vital organs and move quickly. Get in a few stabs before they can make a move on you.

Most people who yield a knife will use a second knife in the other hand. This will give you a double the amount of fighting damage in the same amount of time. Once you master the art of knife fighting, you can carry a few in your belt and throw them at your enemies to gain some medium ranged damage.
The great thing about knives is that they are great for the whole picture of surviving an apocalypse. When you are not killing Zombies, you can use the knife for skinning, cutting cordage, and a whole lot more survival activities. They are a great tool to have for both survival and defense.
#3. Grenades
These will be hard to come by during and apocalypse, but they will be well worth it. If you are looking at killing Zombies in huge quantities, grenade are probably your best bet. If you can funnel the Zombies into one area, then a single grenade can kill more than 50 Zombies at once.
Keep your eyes out for military stock piles and other places that store explosives. You may want to look for these early because they should be around from the original attempts to stop the Zombies.
#2. Crossbow
Bows and crossbows are great long distance weapons for killing Zombies for many reasons. They do plenty of damage and a single shot can take down a Zombie if you are accurate. They are also reasonably fast to reload and very quiet.
What makes these one of the best weapons for killing Zombies is that you can recover the arrows after you fire them. You can also make arrows pretty easily if you run out. Many believe that a crossbow will be the ultimate weapon during a Zombie apocalypse.
#1. Guns

If you are looking to mess up some Zombies in the quickest way possible, guns are going to be the best option. They are great for killing Zombies because they will take them down fast and are quick to reload. A shotgun in great for short range, while an assault rifle is the best for overall use.
One downfall to using guns is that they require bullets to fire in order to work. Without a local hunting store, it will be difficult to find more ammunition once you run out. Keep that in mind and use your ammunition sparingly while collecting whatever you can find.
Killing Zombies with a gun is pretty loud and will attract the attention of other Zombies in the area. If you are not looking to fight the whole city, then you might want to pick a different weapon.
Abdo is a Zoopy writer who loves spending his free time outdoors, camping, and enjoying the peace that nature brings. He also enjoys fixing things - he's particularly good with electronics. His favorite movie is I Am Legend, and he's fascinated by survival gear and safety.