Breathing is an involuntary thing processed by muscles in the chest and core along with the bronchi or branches in the lungs. We don’t think about breathing until something happens, so we can’t. Then EMTs slap an oxygen mask over the nose and mouth, and suddenly, blessed air enters our bodies.

What happens to the lungs when we breathe? What muscles are available to help us inhale and exhale? Should we work out the chest and core muscles like we do other muscles? 

Yes. Muscles that aren’t worked out or exercised become weak and unable to function. That means the body that they support will be weak and unable to function properly or at its optimal capacity. The Breather is a device designed to do just that: exercise the muscles that help us breathe. So how does it help the muscles to function?

The Breather

Bottom line: Using The Breather takes around ten minutes twice a day. You’ll adjust the resistance level as your breathing becomes deeper and better. You’ll really feel the difference as you exercise or train. The Breather can be used by anyone of any age, even children.

Reviewed by: Nerko


  • It uses Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) to strengthen your breathing process
  • You can adjust the resistance level
  • It helps relieve symptoms from COPD, Bronchiectasis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Atelectasis, Emphysema, and more
  • It’s drug free
  • It reduces shortness of breath and promotes safer swallowing
  • It’s recommended by doctors and pulmonologists


  • The Breather is a single patient use device. As such, returns of working devices are not accepted
  • It’s not available in pharamacies, only on the official website
the breather

The Breather Aids In Respiratory Muscle Training or RMT

When we inhale, the diaphragm contracts and flattens. The thoracic cavity fills with air, much like filling a balloon. When we exhale, the diaphragm relaxes. Like the balloon, the air leaves the body. 

Other muscles help with heavy breathing, such as the pectoralis, serratus, and scalenes. These are located in the neck. They’re activated when we inhale forcefully as if we’re desperately trying to draw in air.

the breather blocked and healthy airways

Other muscles in the chest, neck, and head facilitate swallowing and speech. These muscles should be strengthened as well, especially if you’re a public speaker, a singer, or a speech therapy outpatient. If you have trouble swallowing food, The Breather will help you as well.

The Breather strengthens the external and internal intercostals, the abdominal muscles, and the diaphragm. This means you breathe from deep inside the body. Breathlessness doesn’t enter the picture. Respiratory function, as well as a better heart rate and muscle tone, is the result.


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The Breather Aids In Reducing Shortness Of Breath

The most common causes of shortness of breath or dyspnea are COPD, asthma, pneumonia, lung disease, heart failure, and anxiety. The chest feels tight, and we fight to gain a deep breath or any breath at all. So what is happening with the chest muscles when we’re breathless?

The respiratory muscles, chest wall, and diaphragm interact to allow air into the lungs. The alveoli or tiny branches of the bronchi switch oxygen for carbon dioxide. The heart then pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body. Finally, the brain receives signals from the body telling it that everything’s okay.

Sometimes the signals get crossed. The brain thinks the body needs help, so it tells the breathing muscles to double their work. As a result, shortness of breath occurs. The muscles around the ribs, the chest wall, and the diaphragm tighten up in order to let air into the lungs. 

Other occasions on which shortness of breath occurs are overzealous exercise, high humidity, obesity, allergic reactions, or high altitudes. See a doctor pronto if the breathlessness is accompanied by chest pain or loss of consciousness.

Users of The Breather will adjust the device to certain amounts of resistance. This forces the muscles to work harder to accomplish the mission. This is the same way we strengthen our legs, core, arms, and shoulders. We’re just working out the chest and core.

Check out our best breathing exerciser article where we compared 5 trainers to find out which one is the best.

The Breather Increases Blood Flow To Exercising Or Relaxed Limbs

The body at rest uses 20 percent of the oxygen pumped by the heart. The active body uses 80 percent. It’s easy to imagine how the heart pumps oxygenated blood to hips and legs propped up on the couch watching a CSI: Miami marathon on Netflix. So how does the blood get circulated through a body in the throes of exercise

the breather woman smiling

Blood vessels and capillaries run through all of the muscles. As you work out, the muscles compress and lengthen. This is because oxygen and other nutrients necessary to muscles are carried through these blood vessels. 

Now, imagine you’re doing a modified Warrior. The muscles are contracting and relaxing. The blood is rushing in as well as carrying out waste. Because you’re exercising, the body increases the number of capillaries, thus carrying more and more oxygenated blood to your muscles. 

Just like the lungs, which, by the way, are made of tissue just like muscles, as the muscles contract, blood is squeezed out. As the muscles relax, blood enters. This means that, as you’re doing squats, the oxygenated blood is pumping in and out of your muscles, much like the air is going in and out of your lungs.

the breather woman

The Breather aids in this exchange of blood in muscles by strengthening your core and chest muscles. With these strong, it’s simply the next step to make the other muscles strong. Your air intake is deeper. It’s traveling to more and more of your body. Your body and mind are full of the effects of the endorphins that exercise gives you. They make you want more.

The Breather Aids In Speaking And Swallowing

Whistle while you work. Kiss your children. Pucker up to put on lip chap. Singing, cheering, and replying to someone’s comment all involve muscles. Swallowing hard to stop a scream, swallowing cold medicine, swallowing as we cry, and other acts of swallowing take muscles. Where are these muscles, and what do they do?

Speaking Muscles

Did you know that the human voice can deliver 14 sounds or noises per second but only two words or actions per second? Have you ever considered the facial muscles necessary to manufacture an expression of surprise? The forehead muscles help with speech by providing background such as a frown, lifted eyebrows signifying “yeah, right” or “that one?”

However, facial muscles aren’t all there are to speech. Speaking begins with the diaphragm. From there, the air is pushed up into the voice box, which contains the vocal cords. These vibrate to produce sound. Then muscles in the neck, throat, lips, tongue, nose, and teeth engage to produce further sound.

The Breather aids speech by strengthening the muscles from the diaphragm up. This is vital to those who have suffered a stroke, sporting or car accidents, or disorders like Bell’s palsy. Strong muscles mean clear speech.

Swallowing Muscles

We think that swallowing is just that. However, around 50 pairs of muscles engage to make swallowing a smooth process. It begins with the muscles in the tongue moving the food around so that the teeth can chew it. Next, saliva makes the food soft so it can be swallowed easily.

Now the tongue moves the softened and chewed food into the back of the mouth. Here, the food passes into the throat, which is called the pharyngeal phase. The voice box closes so the food or liquid doesn’t pass into the lungs.

The last phase of the swallowing mechanism comes when the food is introduced into the esophagus. This is the tube carrying food into the stomach. This is called the esophageal phase and lasts perhaps three seconds. The muscles involved are called the Hyolaryngeal Complex and facilitate swallowing movement.


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What Is Dysphagia?

Some physical difficulties like stroke or cancer make food hard to swallow. This is called dysphagia. Weak tongue muscles might not be able to move food around for chewing. Weak throat muscles might not be able to accept food for further processing. 

The Breather strengthens these and other muscles involved in swallowing. Safely swallowing also involves the muscles closing off the airways so food can pass into the stomach. Thankfully The Breather takes care of that.

The Breather Aids In Productive Coughing

suitable for all ages
The Breather is for all ages

A cough is the body’s way of dispelling alien substances caused by air pollution, pollen, the results of smoking, or the mucus that goes along with the common cold. If the body didn’t expel this mucus, the bronchi and alveoli would fill, causing shortness of breath. 

The signal receptors in the throat and chest send signals to the brain that a problem exists. The brain, in return, sends signals back to the throat and chest that trigger the cough mechanism. This occurs in three stages.

The first is that air enters the chest. The second is that the trachea closes, which constricts the air in the lungs. The third stage is when the trachea opens, letting the constricted air in the lungs pass out through the mouth. Finally, the mucus trapped in the bronchi is expelled when the constricted air passes back out through the mouth.

If a person can’t cough up enough mucus to obtain relief, then some over-the-counter products help. Inhalers and cough medications are the most common of these. However, doesn’t it make sense to strengthen the muscles that expel the mucus in the first place?

That’s what The Breather does. The diaphragm is made stronger, which pushes the air upwards. The muscles in the chest wall and the core are more toned and strong, which allows a cough to be more productive.

The Breather Aids In The Relief Of COPD And Asthma

Asthma is a breathing condition in which the airways constrict and swell, causing mucus to be trapped in the bronchi. This causes shortness of breath. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a breathing affliction in which mucus clogs the airways. The obstruction, the mucus, causes the bronchi to collapse altogether. This makes it difficult to inhale and exhale very well or at all.

grandpa using the breather

There’s a tool called an expiratory mechanism in which a person draws in a lungful of air. He then blows into a tube, which forces a tab to rise. This tab measures the force of the exhaled air. If you can blow the tab up to about 3,000, then the muscles in your chest and diaphragm are doing a great job. This tool is of help to asthmatics and those with COPD for testing their ability to breathe.

How can you stimulate your diaphragm and chest muscles to force air out of your lungs with some productivity? By using The Breather. How can you stimulate deep breaths to get more air into your lungs? By using The Breather. How can you clear your chest of mucus build-up that means shortness of breath, asthma, and COPD? By using The Breather.

Why Would I Use The Breather?

It’s a scientific and documented fact that lung capacity diminishes every ten years. For smokers, it’s even less. So it just makes good sense to give yourself the best chance you possibly can to enjoy optimal lung capacity at any age.

Add to this the fact that weak muscles don’t support the body as well as toned and strong muscles. So we owe it to ourselves to exercise the proper muscles in return for improved breathing, speaking, and swallowing. 

Using The Breather takes around ten minutes twice a day. You’ll adjust the resistance level as your breathing becomes deeper and better. You’ll really feel the difference as you exercise or train. The Breather can be used by anyone of any age, even children.

It costs $49.99 for one device but there are discounts if you buy more. For example they have a Buy 2, Get 1 FREE for only $119.98.

Written by Nerko

Nerko is a writer for Zoopy, and he's been working there since 2019. He loves to ride his motorcycle and bicycle, especially in the summertime! He also enjoys watching science fiction movies, and his favorite movie is Interstellar. Nerko is also a competitive gamer - so if you're looking for a good competition, he's your man!

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